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Adventure Trip of Class XII

Journey to adventure Island, DelhiHaving a gala time in the sunLaughing away all the worries

Annual Function

Annual Sports Day

Rushing towards the finishing lineHouse athletes marching ahead holding the house flagsGuest Lecture on Photo JournalismAthletes taking the oathTiny-Tots dancing with colourful pom-poms

Art Comp

Enthusiastic students brining out the artist in themYoung students putting up some excellent paintings

Summer Camp

Playing carrom during summer campA healthy mind in a sound body-YogaEnjoying the splash pool

Visit to French Embassy

A warm welcome at French EmbassyA great honor to be with French Ambassador, His Excellency, Monsieur  Francios RicheirShowing our students work on France and its culture

Visit to Japan

A visit to Japan to strengthen ties with Japanese DelegatesInteracting with other delegatesHappy journey to Japan
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